Axis Deer Trapping Services in Texas

Why is Axis Deer Removal Necessary?
Axis deer are the most common exotic animals in Texas, and have been around for nearly 100 years since their introduction from India, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. Although they are beautiful animals that many people enjoy hunting, eating, breeding, and simply having around, they are still an invasive species that can cause problems when they conflict with humans and native wildlife.
Common Axis Deer Conflicts in Texas:
- Overpopulation - With fewer natural predators than their native homeland, axis deer populations in Texas can grow to levels above viable carrying capacity relatively quickly, leading to negative impacts on plant species and native mammals that compete for the same food sources. For farmers and other landowners who do not utilize axis deer, this can begin to cause major conflicts and many people want axis deer removed from their land entirely. Even for ranchers who profit from axis deer, an overpopulation can be expensive to feed and cause genetic deficiencies, so the need to remove axis deer still exists.
- Sports Field Damage - In areas of the Hill Country in South-Central Texas with booming free-range axis deer populations, these invasive animals often affect local sports fields. Most sporting fields are made of ryegrass, which is a favorite food for axis deer. During the night, the deer will come out and feed on these ryegrass fields, not only damaging the grass itself but also leaving behind large amounts of dung/droppings which causes obvious conflict with the sports teams that utilize the fields every day.
- Lawn & Garden Damage - Although axis deer are beautiful to look at, having them in your yard every day isn't as nice as it sounds. Homeowners in areas surrounding Austin, Fredericksburg, and other towns throughout the Hill Country often find themselves in a point of conflict with the local axis deer populations. Lawns are damaged in the same way as sporting fields, many plants in homeowners' gardens are decimated by the invasive deer, and they even cause conflict with pets, such as dogs, causing abnormal amounts of agitation and barking.
- Car Accidents - All across the United States, native whitetail deer create a serious hazard for drivers, especially in rural areas. Every year, 1.5 million deer are hit by cars across the country - many of which cause fatal accidents. In areas of Texas that hold not only native whitetail deer but invasive axis deer as well, the threat to local drivers becomes that much worse.
Read more about axis deer in Texas.
Read more about exotics in Texas.
How do you get Axis Deer removed from your land?
We are the top big game trapping and relocation expert in the state of Texas, and although we have lots of experience trapping almost any exotic species you can imagine, there is no animal that we work with more than axis deer. Whether you are a rancher looking to reduce your herd population, a homeowner looking to get axis deer out of your yard, or an HOA looking to help your community with their conflicts with this invasive animal, we have an effective removal solution to meet your needs. Contact us to start planning today.